2015 Opens & Girls U14 Missing

February 2014
Two of our members travelled to W.A last month to compete in the Taj small fries comp held at Yallingup, with Reef Heazlewood winning the u/16 and Luke Glover 3rd u/14, Great results boys!
Also we have Laura Poncini travelling to Ecuador in April for the World Tiltles, this is a costly trip so the club will be running a few raffles during the PA to support her.
Windansea have a stall at the Australian Surf Expo at the Gold Coast Convention centre this month 14, 15. and 16th Feb, as one of only two clubs invited its a great opportunity to promote the club and the Pa and Ma Bendall contest to the wider surf community.
March 2014
First of all the club has voted to go back and rename ourselves Windansea Surf Club, which it should have always been, I can understand previous committees changing the name to enable us not to be associated with regular Surf Clubs, but we have been established for over 40 years so i don’t think that will be a problem.
The Aust Surf Expo has been run, with Windansea putting on a great display on the Goldy with legends such as Simon Anderson, Tony Eltherington and Richard Harvey getting photos with the PA trophy. By the end of the expo with some tired members having to pack all the gear up, we were very happy to be one of the first exhibitors to be invited back next year. Apparently Gary Odonnell reckons he saw an Orangutan on the way home while driving. I think Fisso knows something about that.
Also our leading female surfer Laura ponz has been on the road getting some great results at comps in Victoria and NSW of late, with old man Ponz travelling with her most of the time, ( i dont know how he keeps a job ) with all the time off.
The Hazelnut family have just returned from a trip to Hawaii so maybe Dr Dave can fill us in at next club meeting on his travels.
April 2014
Laura Poncini, a third placing at the ISA World Junior Titles is a fantastic result and I am sure that all of Windansea are so proud of your effort Laura, Congratulations.
Also a big effort to senior Ponz for attempting to drink as much local product as possible.
I think the Cerveza Pilsenser is not a bad drop hey Ponz.
Well done to all the crew that competed up at the Agnes Water comp, I think we had someone from the club in nearly every Final.
Also Zahli Kelly won a division as well.
June 2014
Hope you have all recovered from Flat Rock weekend, we had great waves and even better weather.
With a huge fireworks display put on Sat night, and all the kids sitting around Uncle Gazza”s fireplace learning all about the facts of life. (Windansea hold no responsibility for what ever your child learnt on that night)
A good time was had by all who attended the weekend. Looks like the Macdougalls can’t go anywhere without a drama with one of the boys getting run over by his brother and a few stitches in the head.
Last month the Masters & Womens round one of the state titles were held at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast, with some outstanding results from our members. In solid 3-4ft waves we had Clive Sinton taking out the 0/50 div Kristian Kearney making the semis in the 0/40 div and yours truly (Terry Landsberg) getting the nod in the 0/45. Laura Poncini won the u/16 and Zahli Kelly made the finals as well.
The Clash of the Groms was held last weekend at Mudjimba with Reef Hazealwood winning the u/16 Noah Kearney 2nd and Tom Prout 3rd. Nic Doran won the Air Comp, a great result by all the boys with the Prize money in the hundreds of $ for all the guys. (Noah won enough for his ticket to Bali) There”s been a few strange sightings around town lately, with brights lights over Caloundra spotted, Noises during the night and Silky apparently doing exercises and training with his Surf Squad.
Coast of Origin Sunshine Coast Club Championships 12/07/2014
July / August 2014

First of, well done to the groms that competed in the Occy and Skullcandy. Reef Hazelnut finished with a great result of 2nd in the u/16 boys in the Skullcandy and Noah (bigger than his dad ) Kearney made semis at the Occy comp.
With the Coastal Origin series rapping up Laura Ponz, Luke Glover and Will Muskens, all surfed well on the final day with Will M missing out on winning his heat by 0.2. Sunshine Coast ended up winning against the Goldy with a powerful performance by the crew from ( I hate to say it ) North Shore Boardriders.
Well if you havent seen some of the shots from Scardys Beer & Barrell Festival log onto Joyos facebook sight and have a look, special moments were Scardys spreading of ABs ashes in the barrel at speedies i reckon you will see it in a few mags soon. All the boys had a great time with more injuries happening on land than in the water, (AJ trying trying to kick a concrete block, Dave rolling his ankle and thinking that he broke it ). Senior Hazelnut spending hours & hours in the boat at the end of Speedies getting some great shots and looking like a dried up prune after not taking any water out with him on one session. Maybe next year we do it all again for AJs 40th.
The senior citizens of the club will be heading down to Coffs Harbour for the Masters Aussie Titles next weekend so if you want to follow the action just log onto www.australiansurffestival.com .Cutback Clive is talking about taking his lawn bowls with him to have a roll down there but Kristian and myself are trying to talk him out of it. The forecast for the comp is looking solid so good luck guys.
Tim Byrne has just returned from a trip to the States (USA) reports were fun times but the surf was not that good, apparently he was spotted on the beach in San Francisco playing frisbee but lucky for him his wife Carmen turned up or things could have gone downhill pretty quick.

There was a interesting presentation by Tim Hindley, Brad Williams & Rich Graves on how the project with our Clubhouse is going, As all the members realize now that this is a long drawn out process with a lot of hurdles along the way, but these guys know there stuff and hopefully we can show Council the benefits of this facility to our local Surf Community. The time that has been donated by these guys so far is greatly appreciated by all of us at Windansea.
Our special guest of the evening was none other than Robert Wolff, RJ is one of the most successful amateur surfers to come out of Windansea, with a number of huge wins during his career around Australia. He also represented Aust at two World Titles with his best result of a 2nd to Tom Curren (3 Time World Champ) just before Curren turned pro. Maybe RJ might even be able to pass on a bit of his experience to our younger crew. I know a lot of older guys were stoked to see him on the night.
Talking about the grommets of the club, they all competed at the first round of the QLD State Tiltes last month with great results coming from Prouty jnr, Reef Hazelnut & Noah k. Zahli Kelly & Anna Toohey, they all back up again next weekend up here on the Sunny Coast for round 2. Good luck to all members competing.

November 2014
Well the Straddie Assault wrapped up last weekend with a great time by all the crew that made the trek over there.
After a crap day on Sat the boys backed up on Sun to much better conditions with the pairs event running.
Representing the club, Jake & Reef were outstanding taking down some big names on the day to make the final against LeBA , there semi final win against Snapper very popular with the crowd on the hill at Main Beach.
A few of the younger guys that came over made for some fun times, with a great display of Dwarf wrestling from Silky & Cooper and after carrying a full esky from the house to the beach, with not one complaint, they might be all allowed to come back next year.
Watch the video from Straddie at the end of the newsletter.
The club sent down a team to the Aussie Boardriders Battle on the Goldy last weekend. Comp was held at Southport Spit, The boys put up a great effort just missing out on progressing to the final day.
Josh (Migaloo) Menger had the highest scoring wave at one stage belting a right hander all the way to the beach.

Windansea Grommets in the finals at the Wahu Surfer Grom Comp 2013
The Wahu Surfer Groms was held at Coolum Beach on Tuesday and Wednesday with a host of Windansea groms ripping in the tough conditions. A big congratulations goes to:
Luke Glover 1st u/13 Boys
Kane Landsberg 3rd u/15 Boys
Zahil Kelly 4th u/11 Girls
Will Muskens 1st u/11 Boys
Reef Heazlewood 4th u/15 Boys
April Sweet 2nd u/13 Girls
That’s good start to the year lets hope we can follow the groms lead into the new year.

Jake Got Lineup of the day on the Coastalwatch Website
LINE-UP OF THE DAY: June 29, 2013
Jake Fissenden With Some Back-Caba-Swagga, Cabarita This Week
Matt O’Brien is a very talented young photographer known for his moody pulled back images of hi-fi surfing, his gritty urban pixels of foreign cities, and his knack of capturing a heroic landscape. You can gander more of the Sunny Coaster’s pixels and film-grain at his excellent website over here.
Read more: http://www.coastalwatch.com/
Congrats Matthew O’Brien and Eli Steele for the Surfing World Magazine cover shot!
Congrats Matthew O’Brien and Eli Steele for the Surfing World Magazine cover shot!
Grab your copy!
“Thanks for the cover @surfingworld! Definitely my favorite one to date! And congratulations @elisteele_ on landing your first cover!”
Matthew O’Brien
Father & Son Comp 2013
WindanSea Boardriders would like to invite all Clubs on the Sunny Coast the opportunity to enter their ‘Father & Son’ comp to be held on Saturday, 31 August. The event will be followed by presentations and 70’s fancy dress party at the Currimundi Hotel.
The Father and Son competition held at the 39th Annual Pa and Ma Bendall comp proved an outstanding success, but due to restricted time frames, entries were limited and unfortunately a fair number of ‘father & son’ teams missed out.
Windansea Boardriders would like to present its stand alone ‘Father & Son’ competition on the above date. Entries close Wednesday, 14 August. This will be a super fun day for Dads/Sons, Mums/Daughters or Parent/Child.
Moved to September 7th – 7 am start at Currimundi in front of lake – Access 254
October 2013
A few of our younger members are away competing down south at Cronulla, Reef Heazlewood, Laura Poncini got 2nd in there divisions and Luke Glover also surfed well, which is a great result.
The Kirra junior teams event has been run with the club finishing in 12th spot and all team members surfed well, The junior members have also got the second round of the state titles running the weekend of 12th-13th Oct so its a busy time for the club this time of year. The club will also be entering a team in the Australian Boardriders Battle next month at Dbah.
Club members that have volunteered for Rosies Outreaching will be going out on tuesday nights making coffee and handing out food for the homeless people of Caloundra this is a great way of the club becoming involved in the community and helping people less fortunate than you, If you want to be involved contact one of the committee members (you know my number twigga).
Let’s go surfing for the Disabled Surfers Association Surfing Day in the Sunshine Coast! Volunteers wanted. http://disabledsurfers.org/
12th October 2013, Currimundi
7th December 2013, Maroochydore
1st March 2014, Noosa
November 2013
Straddie Assault has been run and the club came away with a great result of 8th place, we were coming 2nd then 3rd at one stage but with so many clubs on equal points it didnt take much to slide down abit. Heat wins to Noah C and Laura Ponz and good results from the rest of the team set us up for one of our best results in years. Conditions were pretty rough with an onshore gale all day. Well done guys.
State titles were held on Goldy a few weeks ago, with Reef Hazelnut, Laura Ponz and Zahli Kelly winning and great results from our other club members YEEEW, Off to the Aussies for these two to be held at Kiama NSW. I am sure Reef & Laura will do the the club proud down there.
Paddle Against Poverty was run last weekend, with the club finishing in 1st & 3rd place after entering two teams. We should have finished 1 & 2 but not mentioning any names, Our Club Secretary decided to head for Moreton Island and had to be turned back by the Jet Ski. A good day was had by all who attended.
December Newsletter 2013
Its been a quite month for the club with comps, although two of our surfers Reef Hazelnut Jnr and Laura Ponz are still down at the Aussie titles at Kiama competing, Reef made quarters and Laura is into the semis, Go guys.
On a another matter that I forgot to report,
Our resident jiu-jitsu master Gus (tie you in a knot) Toledo won the masters final in August throwing buckets with some powerful rail surfing Well done mate, I promised Gus to put that result in months ago, its amazing what a good headlock makes you remember!
Local surfer and club member gets attacked!

SUNSHINE Coast surfers have been warned to stay away from creek and river mouths after a lunchtime surf turned into a scene from Jaws yesterday.Nick Ferguson had a run-in with “something big” in murky waters off Wurtulla, which had surfers scurrying to the beach.
Coast lifeguard services manager Scott Braby said it was possible that bull sharks had followed the fresh water run-off from last week’s rain into the surf. “If it was a shark, he was a very lucky boy,” he said. Kings Beach in Caloundra was closed for short periods over the weekend after lifesavers spied sharks off the beach. “My information is that two sharks were quite small – less than two metres,” Mr Braby said.
He said the surfers at Wurtulla did exactly the right thing heading for the beach as soon as they realised what might have happened. Mr Ferguson said he was surfing about 50m out when his board was hit from beneath. “I had just pulled my legs up when something big hit the back of my board,” 29-year-old Mr Ferguson said yesterday afternoon. He said he felt something rough brush one of his knees as the board’s tail came back down into the murky water.
Tiger sharks are known to “nudge” potential prey. Mr Ferguson, who lives with his wife at Wurtulla, said he was stunned by the incident. But that turned to something else altogether when he hit the water and flipped his board over. The fin had been sheared off. He said he waved to three others surfing on a bank nearby. Once they realised what had happened, they all made for the beach.
“I’m pretty sure it was not a turtle,” he said. “I think I’ll be buying a Lotto ticket.” Mr Ferguson, who grew up in Caloundra, said he had seen sharks before, but never at such close quarters. He said he regularly surfed off Wurtulla and the incident would not stop him surfing.
Mr Ferguson said two weeks ago he and his wife had visited Hawaii. He had surfed on the North Shore, and seen Bethany Hamilton, a young Hawaiian surfer who lost an arm in a shark attack several years ago. “I was a little worried about going surfing there because the waters there are supposed to be alive with sharks – and now this happens.”
Mr Braby said larger species, such as great white sharks, cruised Coast waters only in winter. “From time to time smaller sharks might be chasing fish and bump into surfers,” he said. “That in no way means the shark was trying to eat the surfer.”
Story From http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/
2012 Volcom Kirra Teams Challenge
The Kirra Teams Challenge is the world’s largest interclub surfing teams event, and each year over 36 of Australia’s most elite boardriding clubs from all around Australia travel to the golden sands of Kirra to lay claim to the prestigious title and bragging rights of being named ‘Australia’s Best Boardriding Club’.
The event first started in the late ‘60s as an open event called the ‘Kirra Pro Am’ but in 1985 the format was changed to a teams event. Since that time it has lured the best amateur and professional talent in the nation who throw everything into doing their home team proud. Last year local powerhouse team Snapper Boardriders claimed their 9th Kirra Teams Challenge win in the 27 year history of the event. Be sure to hit the beach for all the action to see if anyone can stop their reign!
The Windansea Boardriders team for the Kirra is:
Junior: Josh Menger, Jake Fissenden
Opens: Adam Hadland, David Scard, Sam Poncini, Russell Miller, Nick McDonald, Eli Steele
Reserve: Nick Ferguson
WINDANSEA #1 Sunshine Coast team at the 2012 Volcom Kirra Teams Challenge
1st D-Bah
2nd North End
3rd Avoca
4th Cabarita
5th North Shelley
14th WindanSea – out of 36 teams
Heat placements for Windansea:
2 x 1st place
3 x 2nd place
2 x 3rd place
1 x 4th place
March 2012
Attention club members!We are using computer scoring this Sunday.
Could you please SMS your names and divisions to 0407307213 by 3pm friday so we can enter into the computer?

March 2012
There was no sign of cooler Autumn weather for this month’s March competition. The balmy morning started at 6am with the usual set up crew. We were in for a big day with 11 and a half hours of surfing to get through. Lippy and Silky flew the flag for the committee while Terry enjoyed a holiday in Hawaii and Granddaddy Fisso did a little head wetting in the big smoke. Head wetting of another kind was going on at Classic Ann St (as Lippy would say!) with Silky taking out the opens against the little red headed fella with the guns. The waves were contestable and the appetites at an all-time high with the BBQ running all day. Without Fergo there to have his usual whinge, good old Borney stepped up to the plate and dished put a few of the standard Fergo complaints.
The new computer judging system was a success thanks to all the judges who jumped on and had a go. Big Thanks to Gus for helping set it up and keeping this website up to date.
The comp wrapped up at 4.30pm, washed down by a couple of beers Gus showing us some nice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu submissions on Fizzle Dizzle whilst deliberating on yet another successful board rider
Congrats for this month winners, well done boys and girls!
Micros – Will Muskens
Groms – Luke Glover
Girls – Laura Poncini
Cadets – Reef Heazlewood
Juniors – Nic Doran
Opens – Ben Silk
Seniors – Adam Hadland
Masters – Kristian Kearney
Fossils – Ewan McDougall
CPR Course 2012
On Monday night, 28 members turned up at the Presidents house for a CPR course. Terry provided the sugar high in the form of lollies – lots of them. Run by Rivers First Aid, the course teacher Sunny Rivers had the crowd’s attention from start to finish with his eccentric manner and ability to demonstrate some serious CPR that even involved broken ribs – only on the dummy though. Everyone had a go on the dummies provided and put into practise what they had just learnt. Overall it was a great night and those who attended should feel safe in the knowledge that if they needed to revive someone – they could. Broken ribs and all!
The April Club Contest was called off and club members enjoyed the massive swell with great free surfing at Wurtulla.
February 2012 Club Contest pics by Wade Kerle
Sunday Morning Barrels, Bacon & Eggs 2012
Wind an Sea members woke on the 22nd of April to a solid easterly swell. With the concern of the surf being a little dangerous Aprils club contest turned into a day of free surfing at Wurtulla. We set up camp in the sand dunes for a fun day of barrels, bacon and eggs and beatings – the “best beating” award going to Big Ponz! Little Ponz went out with one board and came back in with two and leg ropes were snapped aplenty. The grommy’s stood up to the challenge with Kano, Kyle, Pato, Noah and Laura charging all day. By afternoon everyone was feeling tired and surfed out. A great day had by all.
words by Lisa Litfin

Check all the pics at Windansea’s Facebook page!
Windansea Free Surfing Sunday 22 April – Photography By G.O’D. If you like the pics contact Gary O’Donnel for high resolution files – garyod@bigpond.com
May 2012

After much debate, the decision was made to hold this month’s comp at Moffat Beach. The surf was a solid 3-4 foot with a slight off shore breeze. Before the heats kicked off a group photo was taken of the groms sporting the new drug awareness rashies, compliments of Surfing Australia. But then inadvertently deleted by Fizzle Dizzle! So we’ll have to take two on that one next comp. With the early high tide we decided to run the grommets first on the inside bank while Tim, Silky and Master Bomba tried to fix a minor glitch with the computer scoring system. Paul Ponz did his best to keep up with the grumbling bellies with his tasty bacon and egg burgers. Standout surfing from K Dog saw him win the cadets. Twigger took out the open finals after spending Saturday mind surfing some pumping waves while hanging out with Cale. Coming in at second in the Opens final was Reef Heazelwood with a stand out performance. Laura Poncini, Sam Poncini, Luke Glover, Ben Muskens, Will Muskens and Brett Doran all took out their respective divisions. Well done guys!

WindanSea Wins Sunshine Coast Coast of Origin Series 2012

Will Muskens
Luke Glover
Will Carter
Australian Over 45 Champion 2012
SURFING: Former champion boxer Terry Landsberg moved to the Coast from landlocked Rockhampton in his early 20s, started surfing and hasn’t stopped.
As was the case during his ring days, Landsberg is driven by the pursuit of excellence.
Now 48, his love of the surfing remains undiminished, and his dedication to self-improvement has led to him capturing his first national title.
After being crowned national over-45 champion at Port Macquarie last week, Landsberg has the chance to represent Australia at the ISA World Masters in Montanitas, Ecuador, next year.
“Getting the opportunity to go to that is something I’d relish,” he said.
Landsberg has certainly relished living on the Coast.
Perhaps understandable given his late start in the sport, the Windansea Boardriders Club president believes he is still improving.
That is in large part is due to his decision to seek out one of the best coaches in the business, Gold Coast-based Mark Richardson. Richardson won last year’s ISA World Masters.
Landsberg, a former Queensland light welterweight amateur champion, explained his philosophy to self-improvement.
“Like an old dog learning new tricks, you’ve just got to understand, as most sportsmen know, that to get to a certain level you’ve got to be coached and listen to people who have been there, done that and pass that experience on to you,” he said.
“I started surfing at about 23 years old, so I’m pretty stoked about it (winning the national title).”
Landsberg’s victim list at Port Macquarie included former world masters champion Rod Baldwin.
He said his triumph came down to experience.
He remained composed and won the final in the dying stages, beating New South Wales trio John Schmidenburg, Glen Valaire and Charlie O’Sullivan.
“With competitive surfing you really need not only luck but you’ve just got to pick the correct waves and understand how to get through certain heats,” he said.
Having his 13-year-old son and fellow surfer Kane on the beach at Port Macquarie significantly enhanced the experience.
“Especially for him to say he was proud of me.
“It’s something I’ll never forget,” he said.
Landsberg’s next challenge will be the final of the World Surfaris Coast of Origin Interclub Series, which is scheduled for Coolum on September 8-9.
Caloundra-based Windansea and North Shore Boardriders have earned the right to represent the Sunshine Coast in the series finale against Gold Coast clubs Snapper Rocks Boardriders and Alley Boardriders.

2012 Results